Bunny Mask

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It’s nearly time to take off the mittens, warm up and hop into spring! And who are the best hoppers around? Rabbits! So let’s make a bunny mask! Don’t forget to add a soft nose and twitching whiskers, before you start jumping around the room.

~ Toucan Box

Toucan Box Theme: Bunny Mask.

Still playing catch up with the back log of Toucan Boxes, the next in line was a Bunny Mask. Little Yum-Yum asked me to do the cutting out for him, but wanted to do everything else himself.

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He loved the nose and whiskers! Simply made out of pipe cleaners, a pompom and a lolly stick, it certainly entertained him for a while.

Of course, he couldn’t help it; he had to strike a pose!

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Complete! Easy and fun to make.

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Other activities included:

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Matching Flowers,

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Bunny’s Lunch and who’s hatching,

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along with Spring Is Here, which required a lot of drawing!

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Also, Draw A Chick,

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the recipe for Popcorn Flowers,

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and Hatching Chick.

Master Maximus moved onto this straight after the mask,

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and this was the result. He was very pleased.

The chick wasn’t meant to have wings, but Max said it didn’t look right as in fact chicks do have wings. So, I cut some out for him, and he stuck them on.

T-Rex ‘Zord’

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Little Yum-Yum created this in his favourite After School Club, Natural Thinkers/Outdoor Learning. Upon collecting him from school, the teacher asked Max to tell me what it was. “It’s a T-Rex Zord“.

Made out of natural material from the playground – apart from the googly eyes – I can see it … can you?

Spring is in the Air

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Ah, yes. Spring is in the air at last, and Little Yum-Yum knows it.

“Plants need sun and water to grow.”, he said randomly. So grabbed his watering can, filled it with water, then started watering the plants in the garden.

One of the After School Clubs Max attends is Natural Thinkers/Outdoor Learning. It’s his favourite club. He talks to me a lot about nature, and often wants me to venture out with him so he can explore.