Stone Sculpture

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Every Saturday on our way to Kumon and back home again, Little Yum-Yum and I pass this sculpture.

Not quite sure what it’s supposed to be, but it now sits where a lovely water fountain used to be. I remember it being there when I was going to school, so I’m not sure why it has been decided to replace it. Maybe to save on water, as Londoners are once again, on a hosepipe ban.

Max being Max is curious about pretty much any and everything, so actually went up to it to touch it on this occasion. Unfortunately, there is no write up about it, so I cannot say what it’s supposed to be.

One thing Max and I really do love about London, are the random things which seem to pop up out of nowhere!

Snow White

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Princess Snow White, skin like snow,
Has a stepmum, long ago.
Every night, this queen would call
To her mirror on the wall:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?”

A fun retelling of the story of Snow White. Share the story and the learning activities with your child to encourage their reading and reinforce their learning of phonics. ~ Nick Page, Author

My review:

Which child does not like rhyming books?! A classic story retold in a fun way, which also highlights key sounds using phonics. It also includes charts at the back such as Rhyming Words, Letters Together, along with a Picture Dictionary.

Little Bear’s Close Encounter

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Little Bear looked up at the stars. “I wish I was an astronaut”, he sighed. Little Bear dreamed of exploring the world outside the window. He liked living in Emma’s bedroom, but he sometimes wondered what it would be like to climb a mountain or go deep-sea diving. Most of all, Little Bear longed to meet an alien.

My review:

This cute story reminds me of Little Yum-Yum. He too, wants to be an astronaut and is just as curious as this Little Bear character about other things. A lovely, feel good bedtime story, which is sure to leave a smile on any child’s face.

A Gift

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During the Easter break, Little Yum-Yum and I were unwell, so we didn’t get up to much. He was unwell for a few days, whilst I was for the duration. I tried to make it fun for him, but with little success.

It’s just the two of us, so when he told me I didn’t spend enough time with him, I felt really bad. However, a thought came to mind … what if I bought him a gift? *Cackle*. Surely that would make up for at least some of the lost time?

I came across this remote control car and he loves it! I told him I was sorry that we didn’t do many activities as we would normally, but he was too distracted with his new toy. I think I just about got away with it this time!

Picture Holder

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Yesterday, I proudly collected this picture holder Little Yum-Yum decorated in school – with red (his favourite) being the main colour, of course! It came complete with a cute photo of him smiling whilst holding a flower.

I have run out of space for everything – walls, table tops – I need to move just to house his creations!