Bunny Mask

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It’s nearly time to take off the mittens, warm up and hop into spring! And who are the best hoppers around? Rabbits! So let’s make a bunny mask! Don’t forget to add a soft nose and twitching whiskers, before you start jumping around the room.

~ Toucan Box

Toucan Box Theme: Bunny Mask.

Still playing catch up with the back log of Toucan Boxes, the next in line was a Bunny Mask. Little Yum-Yum asked me to do the cutting out for him, but wanted to do everything else himself.

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He loved the nose and whiskers! Simply made out of pipe cleaners, a pompom and a lolly stick, it certainly entertained him for a while.

Of course, he couldn’t help it; he had to strike a pose!

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Complete! Easy and fun to make.

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Other activities included:

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Matching Flowers,

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Bunny’s Lunch and who’s hatching,

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along with Spring Is Here, which required a lot of drawing!

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Also, Draw A Chick,

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the recipe for Popcorn Flowers,

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and Hatching Chick.

Master Maximus moved onto this straight after the mask,

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and this was the result. He was very pleased.

The chick wasn’t meant to have wings, but Max said it didn’t look right as in fact chicks do have wings. So, I cut some out for him, and he stuck them on.

Stone Sculpture

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Every Saturday on our way to Kumon and back home again, Little Yum-Yum and I pass this sculpture.

Not quite sure what it’s supposed to be, but it now sits where a lovely water fountain used to be. I remember it being there when I was going to school, so I’m not sure why it has been decided to replace it. Maybe to save on water, as Londoners are once again, on a hosepipe ban.

Max being Max is curious about pretty much any and everything, so actually went up to it to touch it on this occasion. Unfortunately, there is no write up about it, so I cannot say what it’s supposed to be.

One thing Max and I really do love about London, are the random things which seem to pop up out of nowhere!

Tell the Time

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Another game we have started playing together is that of telling the time. The same concept as the game Shopping List, it’s great for encouraging memory and observation skills. After picking a board, Maximus must pick a faced down card. If the time and activity on the card does not match one on his board, he must put the card back on the table faced down again. He must try to remember not to pick that particular card. The game is over once he completes his chosen board.

One the box, it has the following educational guide:

  • Reinforce time telling skills
  • Encourage observation
  • Develop personal & social skills

Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to take a photo of his facial expressions, but believe me, they are quite funny!

Chinese Lion Puppet

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ROAR! With your brand new toucanBox project we’re going to visit Asia to make a colourful Chinese Lion Puppet. Once you’ve finished your puppet, slip it over your hand and make up a lion dance. How do you think your lion would move, and what sound would it make?

~ Toucan Box

Toucan Box Theme: Chinese Lion Puppet.

It was very clear from the start, that Little Yum-Yum was really going to enjoy this box.

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With some assistance, the puppet was underway. It was very colourful!

After much cutting and sticking,

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the delighted Maximus couldn’t wait to show it off and to play with it. He even took it as his Show & Tell to school.

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A close up. Can you see the big nostrils? Ha!

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A peck on the cheek!

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Other activities included:

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Forbidden city and

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Draw a Panda (apologies for the blurry photo, Max was distracting me with his puppet).

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In addition, Colour It In,

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Sun Moon Lake and

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How to make Sushi Sandwiches.

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There was a bonus craft

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Not-So-Coy Carp.

Cute little fishes, Master Maximus asked me to take a photo of him posing with them.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

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In a house in the woods (who knows where?),
Live Ma and Pa and Mary Bear.
While their porridge cools in the morning air,
They fetch some cream from the dairy.

Oh, bears, beware! Oh, bears, beware!
Beware of girls with golden hair!

A fun retelling of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Share the learning activities with your child to encourage their reading and reinforce their learning of phonics. ~ Nick Page, Author.

My review:

Rhyming, cute characters and funny. It really is a good book, but I wish learning phonics wasn’t forced upon our children. In any case, like with the others similar to this book, it’s not quite a bedtime story, but children will love it.