Here’s Fifty Pounds Mummy


Max saw mummy looking at dresses online. Suddenly, he started to look around the house, turning things upside down. He was on the hunt… After a short period of time, he found what he was looking for.

He ran up to her and said “He you go mummy. Here’s fifty pounds. You can buy a pretty dress”.

He had found two pennies! ❤

With a huge grin, mummy thanked him for giving her some money to buy a new dress. “You’re welcome” was his reply.

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I think I’ll Just Lay Here


Max is becoming increasingly lazy in the mornings; but only the mornings he has to go to pre-school!

“I can’t be bothered, mummy.”

“I’m tired.”

“I’m sick” (even when he isn’t).

This is just to name a few of his excuses.

On this particular morning, dressed and ready to go, he just decided to lay on the bed refusing to go. He was not happy. The smile only appeared when he realised mummy was taking a picture.

Needless to say, he did go to pre-school and enjoyed it! 😀