Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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So… I’ve enrolled Little Yum-Yum into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes. The main reason is because he was being bullied at school. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he should just go and start random fights. I just want him to know how to defend himself. He was in a really dark place at one point, not wanting to go to school, crying, clinging on to me, crying out in his sleep, plus more (which I will not go into) whilst the teachers denied what was happening.

I never backed down, and met with the headteacher after sending the school a couple of emails. The bullying was finally acknowledged, and has now (hopefully) been dealt with once and for all. I will not sit by idly, and not say a word just to please others. My son comes first.

I chose this particular type of training, as it teaches discipline, wellness, confidence (not that he’s not confident already!) and self-defence. On top of this, it’s fun! He attends three times a week, so during the summer break (which is seven weeks this year), he will still be able to interact with children his age and make some new friends.

So far, he’s really enjoying it and keeps asking if he can go every day.

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Kids Classes

Enhance self-defence
Get fit, strong and flexible having fun
Learn the GB (Gracie Barra) Self-Defence and Anti-Bullying System
Increase focus, energy and concentration
Improve social skills and make new friends
Get a better understanding of goal-setting and working towards them
Become a champion of small, medium and major tournaments
Attend competition training

Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy

Bunny Mask

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It’s nearly time to take off the mittens, warm up and hop into spring! And who are the best hoppers around? Rabbits! So let’s make a bunny mask! Don’t forget to add a soft nose and twitching whiskers, before you start jumping around the room.

~ Toucan Box

Toucan Box Theme: Bunny Mask.

Still playing catch up with the back log of Toucan Boxes, the next in line was a Bunny Mask. Little Yum-Yum asked me to do the cutting out for him, but wanted to do everything else himself.

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He loved the nose and whiskers! Simply made out of pipe cleaners, a pompom and a lolly stick, it certainly entertained him for a while.

Of course, he couldn’t help it; he had to strike a pose!

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Complete! Easy and fun to make.

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Other activities included:

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Matching Flowers,

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Bunny’s Lunch and who’s hatching,

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along with Spring Is Here, which required a lot of drawing!

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Also, Draw A Chick,

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the recipe for Popcorn Flowers,

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and Hatching Chick.

Master Maximus moved onto this straight after the mask,

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and this was the result. He was very pleased.

The chick wasn’t meant to have wings, but Max said it didn’t look right as in fact chicks do have wings. So, I cut some out for him, and he stuck them on.

End of Academic Year Report 2017-18

end of year report 2018

How time flies. The Academic Year is almost over, and the reports are in.

I am pleased to say Little Yum-Yum has done well in school. He is right where he should be for his age – even exceeding in a couple of areas; Technology and Exploring and Using Media and Materials. The use of his InnoTab Max and receiving Toucan Boxes has definitely paid off.

On another note, four weeks after starting maths and English with Kumon, Master Maximus has gone up a level in both subjects. He can also identify numbers 1 – 50 which are randomly placed in front of him (in other words, not in numerical order). I’m so proud of him.

Well done, Maximus!

Stone Sculpture

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Every Saturday on our way to Kumon and back home again, Little Yum-Yum and I pass this sculpture.

Not quite sure what it’s supposed to be, but it now sits where a lovely water fountain used to be. I remember it being there when I was going to school, so I’m not sure why it has been decided to replace it. Maybe to save on water, as Londoners are once again, on a hosepipe ban.

Max being Max is curious about pretty much any and everything, so actually went up to it to touch it on this occasion. Unfortunately, there is no write up about it, so I cannot say what it’s supposed to be.

One thing Max and I really do love about London, are the random things which seem to pop up out of nowhere!

Tell the Time

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Another game we have started playing together is that of telling the time. The same concept as the game Shopping List, it’s great for encouraging memory and observation skills. After picking a board, Maximus must pick a faced down card. If the time and activity on the card does not match one on his board, he must put the card back on the table faced down again. He must try to remember not to pick that particular card. The game is over once he completes his chosen board.

One the box, it has the following educational guide:

  • Reinforce time telling skills
  • Encourage observation
  • Develop personal & social skills

Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to take a photo of his facial expressions, but believe me, they are quite funny!